
An idea of Europe

The Austro-Hungarian Empire and the European Union are two political projects and two historical concepts that have attracted considerable research interest. Various disciplines have shed the lights and shadows of both periods, which facilitate the investigation simply from the available sources. Therefore, this website contributes investigating a contemporary and cultural analysis of its importance. That is, the Austro-Hungarian Empire in its theoretical abstraction “Austriahungary” is here the object of study, and their literature review allows us to draw a line of continuity to the current Central European literature in German. Our website rediscovers forgotten Austro-Hungarian writers in German language. The selection of the Austro-Hungarian protagonists do not intentionally collect any already authorized and recognized voices of the moment, but it raises a selection of German-speaking authors heirs of this plurality.  

The review of “Austriahungary” aims to decipher various keys that may lead us to achieve a better understanding of today’s European Union